- horror reviews - MOH 2020

Black Christmas

IMDb Info

Release Year: 2019
Runtime: 1h 32min
Country: USA, New Zealand
Language: English
Genre Tags: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Plot Summary: A group of female students is stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break. That is until the young sorority pledges discover that the killer is part of an underground college conspiracy.

Poster - Title Card rating: notes: Feminist take on the slasher genre. Solid commentary on how horror is mostly men hating women, but loses steam in the final act with a weak supernatural payoff. Still worth watching.

Outside Reviews:

Simon Abrams
3 out of 4 stars -

Led by writer/director Sophia Takal (Always Shine, Into the Dark: New Year, New You) and co-writer April Wolfe, Black Christmas is a PG-13 horror film for general audiences - it never really needed to be R-rated, especially since the 2006 Black Christmas remake is gory enough for two movies - that follows realistic characters who are trapped in a genuinely disturbing situation. So while not everything works in Black Christmas, the stuff that does is ultimately what matters most.

Beatrice Loayza
Grade: C+ - A new Black Christmas sharpens the feminist edge of the original but dulls its scares